So, what is this?

Project WHRLD is an interactive narrative game played collectively through this website! Anyone viewing the site can submit commands and play along, like a worldwide text adventure! We’ve been running for almost a year now and have had plenty of wild adventures already, but you can join in any time you like! Don’t be shy, join the fun!

How do I play?

It’s simple! Just type a command in the very-prominent command box and it will be sent my way. Come back later and you’ll see how your prompt has influenced the story! Updates don’t have a schedule, but usually the story is updated once or twice per day, during the evening (PST). Don’t forget to keep coming back!

What kind of prompts should I enter?

Think of it like an old-school text adventure. Simple commands tend to yield the best results, so try things like “Look at boat” or “Use Bomb on cracked wall.” You can also enter dialogue for the main character to say, which is a useful way to gather information or fish for hints to puzzles. Usually, scene descriptions will list OBJECTS OF INTEREST in all-caps, so try investigating and fiddling with those first if you’re not sure of what to do.

But remember, there are no bad prompts. (Well, there are, but I’ll just ignore them.) Get creative! Think outside the box!

What’s the story so far?

If you want to read the whole story from the beginning, dig into the Chapter 1 Archive! Remember, updates are listed from newest to oldest, so scroll to the bottom of the page and start reading upwards. (Updates are separated by red lines.) If you want a quick summary of the current game state, including our current inventory, equipment, skills and party members, you can always check out the Status Screen. But you don’t need to know the full story to have a good time. You’ll catch on if you just start playing.

Who’s writing this?

Just me, Alex Lemley, the guy whose website this is! Because it’s a one-man operation, please be aware that this game does occasionally take breaks for holidays, personal vacations, or any other time I’m not going to have access to my PC for a while. When this happens, you’ll see a NOW LOADING on the main page of the game. But, the command box is always open! Feel free to send me thoughts, feedback, or whatever else you want even while the game is down!

Have fun!