Project Status: Playable!


Project Status: Playable! 〰️

Hero.ROM is a madcap cyberpunk comedy set in the grim, dystopian future of what was once a vibrant fantasy kingdom. An ancient evil from this world’s fantastic past has risen once again, and wouldn’t you know it, you just happen to be the last descendant of a legendary hero. Featuring a simple but entertaining combat system, tons of hilarious characters, challenging puzzles and even a minigame or two, Hero.ROM is a robust experience in only its first two-and-a-half chapters.

Oh, and it’s a text adventure. Should probably mention that up top.

 Q: So when’s Chapter 3 coming out?

Probably never.

Q: What happened? Victim of your own ambition again?

No, this time I just moved on to other projects. I put a lot of work into the first two-and-a-half chapters, and released them at a fairly regular clip, but in that time Hero.ROM never really caught on. Eventually I got the hint that people just weren’t interested in text adventures in 2015, and it doesn’t look like they’re going to be having a resurgence any time soon. In 2016 I bought RPG Maker and moved on to making games with actual…like…graphics and mechanics and stuff, so unless there’s suddenly a big demand for it, I’d say Hero.ROM is over.

Q: Any future plans?

I did briefly toy with the idea of remaking Hero.ROM in RPG Maker, but that didn’t prove especially feasible for one person, at least at the scale I’d originally planned Hero.ROM to have. Honestly, I think that doing my vision justice on this project would require an actual team and budget.

Hero.ROM was most heavily inspired by the corny cyberpunk FMV games of the mid 90s like Ripper and Angel Devoid. I would absolutely love to resurrect the project in that style, as a modern FMV adventure. I’ve pitched this idea to some friends, but no takers so far. Definitely a dream of mine, though.