ARTISTRY - Level 1

COMBAT - Level 3 (+2)

FORCE - Level 0

STEALTH - Level 0

VITALITY - Level 1

EMOTION - Level 2

TEAMWORK - Level 1


FAITH - Level 2

ARMOR - Level 0 (+5)

AGILITY - Level 0


WOUND - Level 4

Weapon: SWORD


Neck: None




Fire: 5

Water: 9

Wind: 4

Stones: 7

Happiness: 5

Shadows: 10

Forcefields: 10.5


BOOK - A dusty, earthtone tome with a wealth of information inside. You can use it to LOOK UP info on practically anything.

CUBE - An ordinary cube with a blue spiral pattern on one side. Does nothing. Just ignore it.

KNIFE (with Xolta)- A knife with an amethyst blade and a handle as dark as anything you’ve ever seen. An aura of MURDER radiates from it. (COMBAT +1, STEALTH +1)

FLUTE (with Trill)- An ornate silver flute that’s easy to PLAY. Always produces a pleasing sound.

DUMMY - Item description goes here.

SWORD (equipped)- The coolest sword ever, and the best thing in your inventory. Use it to FIGHT things. Go on! Do it! It’ll be awesome! (COMBAT +2)

MASK (unavailable) - A golden theater mask with a big smile. Has the ability to CHARM all who see it, even if it’s a little unsettling. (EMOTION +5)

WATERING CAN - A green watering can full of fresh, life-giving water. You can WATER things to make them heal and grow.

MAP - A map of a smiley-shaped land.


JAR OF BRINESHROOMS (x2) - A jar of self-preserving mushrooms. They’re filling, last forever, and are quite tasty if you like sour mushroomy flavors. A perfect ration for adventurers.

LIFEWATER POTION (x0) - A potion to heal wounds. Naturally clear, but dyed with glowing red coloring to make it obvious it’s a health potion.

GEMCHALK (with Trill)- Glowing chalk, in red, blue, yellow, green and purple colors. Apparently, wizards use this stuff to make magic circles.

BRIGANDVINE SEEDS - A small bag of brigandvine seeds. The bag depicts vines climbing a castle wall.

PYREBLOOM SEEDS - A small bag of pyrebloom seeds. The bag depicts a burning flower.

MEATCAP SPORES - A small bag of meatcap spores. The bag depicts a bleeding (?) mushroom.

MYSTERY BULB - A small bag containing a single bulb. The bag depicts a cute, smiling berry character.

EVERTINS (x5) - Mystery cans enchanted to preserve their contents forever. Fittingly found in a cult basement.

MELTED FIRST-AID KIT - An ancient first-aid kid fused shut by magical fire. Can’t be opened with your bare hands.

PURE MIRROR - A mirror that casts a perfect reflection. More impressive than it sounds!

UNIVERSITY STUDENT ID - An ID badge from The Burning University labeled "Student #22384, Lula Teggs." Found on a skeleton.

TEMPLE NOTES - Notes about a temple at the bottom of Lake Crestfall. Contains a simple map and translations of writing.

CROWBAR - A study crowbar. Can be used to crowbar stuff open, and can also be Equipped as a weapon. (COMBAT +1, FORCE +1)

MAGNET WAND - An industrial-grade wand with some sort of magnet-based enchantment on it. You’ll need to use it to see what it does.

DUBIOUS LIQUOR (x2) - Probably safe, but doesn’t look professionally-brewed. Drink at your own risk, or find another use.

JAR OF SUMMERSAUCE - A zesty condiment made from summer peppers. It’s said it can make anything tasty.

RELIGIOUS TEXT - A book of prayers for the Lost Gods.


ORNATE HANDGUN (with Trill)- A stylish pistol with no obvious means of loading or reloading. Currently, you’re not entirely sure how to use this.

PLATEMAIL SUIT (equipped)- Heavy metal platemail. It’s not pretty, but it’s practical. Looks like you could survive a shot from a cannon wearing this thing. (ARMOR +3, ENCUMBRANCE +2)

LEATHER TOP - Elaborate, vest-like leather chestgear that appears to be made entirely out of belts. It’s hard to put on, but very easy to move in, and it makes you look amazing….for what it’s worth. (ARMOR +1, AGILITY +1)

RUNESOAKED ROBES - Robes that have been soaked in magical potions to imbue them with innate mystical energies. What powers they hold are hard to judge, but at the very least, they seem to be self-repairing.

STEEL HELMET - A heavy helmet with only a small viewport cut in the front. Apparently, when you’re this tough, you don’t need peripheral vision.(ARMOR +2, ENCUMBRANCE +1)

RUNESOAKED HOOD - A hood that smells of countless potion ingredients. Be thankful they mostly cancel each other out.

ODD SPECTACLES (equipped) - Spectacles with a supernatural rainbow tinge, found in the lair of a bizarre cult.

STEEL BOOTS (equipped)- Very heavy boots that are virtually impervious to damage. Alternately, an effective way to drown someone. (ARMOR +2, ENCUMBRANCE +1)

FLEETFOOT BOOTS - Light leather boots, heavily padded to mask your footsteps. Only worn by people with the best of intentions, surely. (AGILITY +2)

SPIRALSIGHT - When presented with a problem or puzzle, activate Spiralsight to see a potential solution. (Raises Hunger by 1)


Class: Harlequin

A gold-skinned, jester-like creature wearing an unnervingly cheerful comedy mask. Zani serves as you guide in the Land of Shadows, having seen all the unsettling sights this world has to offer. She’s as nimble as she is knowledgeable, but she’s not much in a fight.


Class: Battle Construct

A statuesque statue-lady powered by mystical Spirit Fire, this artificial warrior loves a good scrap more than anything. Unfortunately, since her entire life so far has been spent in a single room, she knows next to nothing about the outside world. Thanks to a happy accident, her left arm now has a grappling-hook feature.


Class: Scholar

Subclass: Spellcaster

A skittish magic student stranded in the Land of Shadows. He knows more about magic than just about anyone else you’ll meet. Unfortunately, that doesn’t mean he’s great at using it…